On tour in Europe you can get confused with all the different names for petrol/gasoline, especially if you only find an automated fueling station in the night and there’s nobody to ask for help.
If you make the mistake of pumping petrol/gasoline into a diesel engine you’ll know pretty quickly. I once rented a van to a band which did that in Czech Republic, the motor broke before they left the ground of the gas station. The list below shall help to prevent that from happening (ever!) again.
You should also look for the right octane rating. If you fill up with the wrong octane fuel you might not notice the difference at first, but using petrol/gasoline with too high of an octane rating may cause damage to the emissions system in a long term (a common misconception is that higher and more expensive octane petrol/gasoline is better for the engine or will lead to more power or fuel efficiency.) On the other hand putting regular octane petrol/gasoline in a car designed for premium can have disastrous consequences.